Post by Roland PerryPost by ReclinerPost by Roland PerryPost by ReclinerPost by Roland PerryPost by ReclinerThat’s why I took the photos to prove that there are escalators
at both ends of the food terrace, and not just one end, as you insisted.
Did I really insist on only one set? Don't remember that (not least
because I know there's two sets).
Recliner: Yes, because it doesn’t have the same problem as Euston
with late platform announcements. Kings Cross also has a good spot
to stand which offers a quick route to all the platforms.
Perry: Not really. The barriers for the suburban and main platforms are at
opposite ends of the flying saucer.
Recliner: Use the footbridge. The escalator up to it is close to the
suburban platforms.
There is absolutely nothing there which claims, insists or implies, that
there's only one set of escalators. Your argument is unravelling.
That’s because you cunningly (and typically) deleted the comment you now
Perry: It's not that close, and if your train is announced as departing
from one of the suburban platforms, it's a bit of a trek.
Post by Roland PerryPost by ReclinerPerry: It's not that close, and if your train is announced as departing
from one of the suburban platforms, it's a bit of a trek.
Which contains nothing that claims, insists or implies, there's only one
set of escalators.
Post by ReclinerPost by Roland PerryPost by ReclinerAs I’ve now established, it’s a minute’s walk.
Not if you have baggage, and especially if needing to use a lift because
the escalators are unsafe and/or dis-recommended.
One of your pictures showed downstairs, and impossible to sprint
(without baggage) to a train on Platforms 0-7 in a minute. Not just the
distance, but other people and the ticket barriers in the way.
It’s less than a minute’s walk from my recommended location
Some confusion here, is that recommended location upstairs or
downstairs? The picture I have in mind was the one with the departure
boards in the distance from the ground floor concourse.
As I’ve repeatedly said, if you really have absolutely no clue which
platform might be used, then upstairs is better, in the Google Streetview
location I linked.
Including the time on the escalator, it’s within a minute’s walk to all 12
platforms. It’s perhaps 15 seconds walk from the foot of the escalator to
gates 9-11, and well under a minute’s walk along the footbridge to
platforms 0-8. Clearly, I’m not the only one who’s worked the best
location, as you can see lots of other people on the terrace, many with
luggage or push chairs. Do you think they all used the lifts?
As always, you seem to find daily life far more difficult than normal
people do. Or perhaps you just like being difficult?
Post by Roland PerryPost by Reclinervia the curving footbridge to platforms 0-8.
I disagree, it'll take at least a minute to go down the escalators to
the platforms, more to use the lift if you have baggage. Then there's
the barriers to negotiate first. Which will take a while if there's a
crowd, especially if they have bags too.
As always, you’re just inventing hypothetical excuses. I’ve actually tested
Post by Roland PerryPost by ReclinerAnd the same down the escalator to platforms 9-11.
Again the escalator/lift conundrum,
No conundrum. If my luggage is suitable for getting on to a train, then I
can certainly take it on an escalator with no problems. The Eurostar moving
ramps up to the platform are more tricky, as wheelie bags want to roll back
Post by Roland Perryand the 9-11 gateline takes more
than a minute on its own (more in rush hour when it can be four deep
across all gates, due to the infamous late announcing of platform
Post by ReclinerAnd the Google Streetview pictures show plenty of passengers with
baggage waiting on the terrace.
And you seem to be forgetting the time taken to get up to the terrace,
which could be fatal if the train is due to leave less than five minutes
after you entered the building from the tube station or square.
You’d obviously go straight to the platform then, wouldn’t you? This
advice is for people who get there well before the platform has been
announced, and have no clue which one it will be.
I would expect anyone here to have used RTT to know in advance the
scheduled platform, and hopefully an updated one if necessary. Again, you
seem to suffer from unique difficulties in using a mobile phone, but normal
people don’t.