Post by Roland PerryPost by Peter JohnsonPost by ScottI see the London Transport Museum shop is selling London Overground
signs for up to £950 each. Cynically, I wonder whether this exceeds
the cost of sourcing the new signs :-)
I don't know, but they are selling the signs on behalf of the museum,
not TfL, so it doesn't really matter.
I have a large (approx 5ft square) TfL enamel sign with a a "Charing
Cross" roundel, complete with slightly rusting mounting holes and so on.
It came from a local auction house, most likely from a collector of
memorabilia who was downsizing (or possibly an estate sale).
The LT Museum have others like it for sale, but at much higher prices
than I paid.
While a relation lived down the road for a few years I have been watching
a collection of such signs deteriorate and get removed either by fair means
or foul.
The last one remaining must be quite old as it still mentions the Southern
Railway, shame to see it rusting away.
The people of the Forest of Dean have a bit of a reputation for living in
their own world ,possibly even the local thieves didn’t know what they were
worth or it would have vanished ages ago ,the pub has had a couple of
periods of being shut and I think may have done so for good now.
You need to go back to older dates to see the others.