Post by MarlandPost by Roland PerryPost by Ulf_KutznerIs it completely legal to take friends on tractors?
Probably not, but I have a photo of a JCB with three people being given
a lift in the bucket at the front.
A lot of tractors can be fitted with an additional seat correctly designed
and fitted for another person
Some are better than others, my mate has an after market one and I get to
use it regularly when we go off on the brewery run to collect a trailer
load of the spent grains for cattle food . The drivers seat has a degree of
in built suspension but the after market buddy seat is just bolted firmly
and you feel every bump and the airline style lap belt it comes with is
He went on holiday recently so I got the drivers seat and was able to
inflict pain on another mate,
the job takes two as there are a lot of sacks to lift.
As for legality I haven’t time to research the law but the general opinion
is if it is a correctly fitted buddy or pillion seat inside. the cab with a
belt that is worn it is legal.
An ancient Iron seat off a horse drawn implement retrieved from doing
retirement duty as a bar stool bolted to the mudguard of an ancient grey
Ferguson or even just sitting on the mudguard or standing on the drawbar of
the towed trailer like was common when I grew up on a farm probably isn’t.
And anyone under 13 isn’t allowed on a tractor in use at all, another law
that is frequently ignored.
Inheritance tax issues or not its a wonder some still have anyone to
while being met at a train station might or might not be related.