Post by Mark Goodge"Station Road in Ely, Cambridgeshire, was blocked for recovery efforts on
Wednesday, after a vehicle became wedged under the low railway bridge."
Good to see a popular Facebook group credited in the report. It's important
that these things are spotted.
The police in a muddle again, because the reports said it was a digger.
That's the first vehicle of that type I've logged in the last ten years
at that bridge (although a skip lorry hit the taller bridge at Queen
Adelaide a few years ago.
"Spotted in Ely" is the remains of a social media experiment, where a
local journalist thought they could generate a revenue stream from a
curated Facebook group. They did raise some pennies from job adverts,
less from events announcements, and pretty much nothing from anything
There are other such groups like "Spotted in Evesham", but they weren't
commercially linked. Curiously there's also a "The Official Spotted in
Evesham", with slightly more members, and a "Spotted in and around
Evesham" with about the same number. Anyone would think Evesham was in
the Balkans.
Anyway, the founder passed away after a couple of years, and I think his
partner (business/personal, I can't quite remember) struggled on, and
now it's a mixture of pleas for help " and rants about bridge bashes.
The police say they were called at 5:54, and someone had started a
thread on Spotted in ELy by 5:57. One the reasons bridge bashes are
picked up is that it's a busy area, and a busy road, right next to the
station and Tesco. Currently 205 comments and 284 "likes", which isn't
Usually the same ideas trotted out over and over again, including this
time the conspiracy theory that Network Rail refuse to install a
sacrificial beam (which would be illegal anyway) so they can claim delay
minutes (there are usually none, and fines for dangerous driving would
go to the Treasury) from the vehicle's insurers (who probably won't pay
out for bridge strikes).
Roland Perry