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2025-03-14 09:31:48 UTC
Are there any decent rumours about ScotRail acquiring Meridians to
replace the HSTs (Inter7City)?
2025-03-14 10:12:15 UTC
Post by Scott
Are there any decent rumours about ScotRail acquiring Meridians to
replace the HSTs (Inter7City)?
If they do it’s going to be later than they hope. Apparently the delivery
of the 810s to EMR is very much delayed with all sorts of quality and
technical issues alleged.

Unless of course, EMR are forced to release the Meridians, which will leave
them in a pickle….
2025-03-14 14:06:19 UTC
Post by Tweed
Post by Scott
Are there any decent rumours about ScotRail acquiring Meridians to
replace the HSTs (Inter7City)?
If they do it’s going to be later than they hope. Apparently the delivery
of the 810s to EMR is very much delayed with all sorts of quality and
technical issues alleged.
I wonder what it is that causes such delivery problems for additional fleets of established designs from experienced
train factories? The Litchurch Lane factory received many orders for Aventras, and didn't manage to deliver any on
time, with the SWR 701s being especially problematic, and about five years late into service.

I know that the 810s are a new variant of 800, with quite a few changes, but nothing revolutionary.
Post by Tweed
Unless of course, EMR are forced to release the Meridians, which will leave
them in a pickle….